Taxation Through the Ages: From Ancient Rome to Modern Times ”عُد إلى ديارك”.. سخط في الشارع لتزايد أعداد السياح ثورة في عالم المجوهرات... صنع أول ماسة في العالم من الورد! الحكومة تأمر ”آبل” بإزالة تطبيقي واتساب وثريدز الإعلام يتوقف تماماً احتجاجا على ارتفاع تكاليف المعيشة النظارة الشمسية تتألق بتصميم ”عين القطة” بطرق بسيطة وفعالة.. كيف تتخلص من التوتر في العمل؟ ماسك الصبار للشعر لمزيد من الترطيب والنعومة الوقت الأكثر إرهاقا من اليوم وظيفة من المنزل بـ100 ألف دولار أول مسابقة لملكة جمال الذكاء الاصطناعي في العالم سر بكاء ام كلثوم في الأطلال

The International Coptic Union in Support of President Sisi and the Egyptian People

On behalf of the Australian Branch of the International Coptic Union, we would like to offer our condolences to the families of the 21 Egyptians that were a beheaded by terrorists in Libya on Sunday the 8th of February 2015. It was a sad day for both Egypt and the World as innocent lives were lost in the hands of barbaric actions.

We also pass on our condolences to President Sisi and praise him for the actions he has taken in the light of such terrible events. President Sisi was swift in his response to these killing and as a result commenced air strikes on Terrorist Targets in Libya which resulted in the killings of over 70 terrorists.

We support President Sisi, his holiness Pope Tawadrous and the people of Egypt during this time of mourning, and hope that Egypt overcomes its fight against Terrorism.

Ray Ibrahim Spokesman of International Coptic Union Australian Branch