احتفاء كبير بالكاتب خالد منتصر والكاتبة سماح أبو بكر عزت في كندا ”لامين” و ”ويليامز”... وخيانة الوطن The Erosion of Civility, A Canadian Crisis للمرة الـ4 في تاريخه.. منتخب إسبانيا بطلاً لـ”يورو 2024” رسميا... ريال مدريد يعلن موعد تقديم كيليان مبابي جوارديولا ... أفضل مدرب كرة قدم في العالم محامي اللاعب المصري الراحل أحمد رفعت يكشف تفاصيل الأزمة لماذا ينبغي تغيير ملابس السباحة المبتلة فوراً؟ هل يساعد خل التفاح على التنحيف؟ دراسة تؤكد ارتباط مضادات الاكتئاب بزيادة الوزن ما أسباب تشنجات باطن الساق؟ غزوة موتيابا

Emad Barsoum writes: The Sun always Shines

The mornings of this week carried hot air and unexpected high temperatures, mixed with the refreshing odors of the spring, although for the last spring and this one, and until the last week we did not pay enough attention to the beauty of the nature that we expect every spring and after a long cold winter, we were disheartened by all the measures taken to contain and prevent the spread of the Covid 19. 

The past months were felt like eternity, as if we have been trapped in time, one daily life cycle that repeats itself, a life carried less hope for tomorrow, and lost enjoyment of the life’s bounties. 

Nonetheless, when the news of everyday lowered numbers of cases catching the virus, the talks about going back slowly to life again, airports to be reopened, reduced travel restrictions, all seemed like a tense and overwhelming seen in a movie showing the rise of THE sun after an apocalypse or a calamity. Families started to plan for weekend visits and reunions, many started to discuss summer plans and vacations, what a wonderful world.

All the aspects of life that were missing for over a year is coming back to us, gradually, it is the power of survival that always give us the will, not only to fight for life, but to make continuous progression.

As we are going back to the life as we know it, we should not carry forward with us any of the habits that were enforced for our well being and developed during the social distancing, quarantines, staying at home and all other protocols. We need to feel alive and true again, a handshake or a warm embrace must return, a smile without a mask, a walk in the mall with the children, buying them the ice cream after watching a movie in the theatre is deeply needed. 

We are longing for a shopping trip inside the mall, touching feeling seeing the true colours of the cloths, and the accessories we choose, rather than buying from behind a screen, which does not even give us the true colour of what we will wear.

What a pleasure to shop live from the grocery store, go around different competing brands, sampling food again. Let us go back to have a discussion in the store, without fear, with another customer while we are picking our fresh produce.

How we miss the after-hours gatherings with our coworkers, chatting and laughing while we are sipping our favorite refreshments, and not going into online meetings again while everyone can watch our pets playing with us during the meeting times.

A tribute to all the front liners who have been the main reason to hold on to life till the human race wins its battle against a 140 nano meter organism but could be deadly. 

It is the will of the people and their belief that the sun always shines, even after the long winter.