هل تصبح كندا الولاية51 الأمريكية؟ ضغوط ترامب على كندا ... هل تستمر؟ نحبك يا كندا‎ جحيم 2025 في كاليفورنيا ... أكثر الحرائق تكلفة في التاريخ البشري قلنسوة الرازي وابن النفيس لا يُفتي ”موكوس” لمجاهد!! مراكِز رعاية كبار السِّن.. نظرةٌ واقعيّةٌ مُعاصِرة محاكمة ترودو وكل من عاونه على الكارثة‎ ثقيلة هي ثياب الحملان! (قصة قصيرة) (3) هل كان ”أيوب” مثالاً للمسيح؟! لماذا اعتمد يسوع؟ إلى هنا أعاننا الرب

Emad Barsoum writes: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Elections, in a nation, are looked upon as the most prominent component within a democracy. It is the process that represent the real will of people allowing them to choose whom they would grant authority to mange their lives. It is the hypothetical signed contract between the people and the elected government in which a society delegates the elected government to provide all aspects of economic, social, political, national and internal security. It is the true will and intention of the society to govern rather than the divine right by a monarchy, or a dictatorship in the modern world.

Most of times, the decision by people on whom to be delegated to provide and protect is a difficult decision specially in the state of the deficiency of knowledge or clear vision of the candidate parties

Although there are only a few days left to go to the polls and elect the next government, we are still contemplating about the right and adequate government to be appointed for such a great cause, to provide and protect, in such given domestic and international challenges.

When we look at the current candidates, our sights usually focus on two major traditional parties in the last decade, which represent theoretically the right and the left, nevertheless, do they really represent that typical political direction? 

Or even, do they provide a clear vision? Regrettably, both major polars are failing to draw a clear vision, to provide a comprehendible platform for the next era on primarily the economic challenges which is the most crucial component of peoples’ lives and future. They do not hold a defined opinion on external and political international arena; but instead, our nation is losing its significant importance and leverage as one of the most influential countries in foreign affairs.

Before the coming elections we were hoping to hear a different discourse from those major parties, describing how our nation is going to recover from the ramifications of the pandemic and its continuous effect on our present and future.

No party is showing a roadmap for economic recovery, control on surging prices of food and essential needs, fiscal problems cannot be fixed by imposing new or higher taxes, particularly when we see that our number one trade partner, the USA, is losing its status as the most powerful economy, hence the latest rankings showed that out of the top ten banks in the world six are Chinese, and only two are American, the other two are British and French.

The opposing parties have transformed their campaigns from attracting the voters to platforms that must solve and restore the predominant struggles to implicit ethnic and racial appealing. They are dealing with our nation based on its diverse origins rather than one united identity, one united future, and one united nation. 

Furthermore, party leaders and general councils or as we may say policy makers, tend to act on an autonomous basis, they do not include true realistic and honest opinions in their policy making process, but they rather focus on giving more concessions to select groups.

Parties should reconsider addressing one nation clearly before we get squashed between the rock and a hard place.